Patient Intake Form
Welcome to our online Patient Intake Form. The information
you fill in will be sent directly to our office, speed up your office visit, and
will help us to better serve your healthcare needs. Please take a moment to completely
fill out this form, and upon completion of all form categories click the
[Submit] button at the bottom of this form.
Welcome to our office of chiropractic. Thank you for taking a moment to fill in
our Patient Intake Form. Please fill this form completely
and to the best of your knowledge. Let our staff know if you have any questions.
When complete return it to our office with the bottom authorization checked and
appropriate signatures filled in.
For your protection and security; Navigating away from this form before clicking
the [Submit] button will dismiss all completed
form fields. Successful submission will redirect you to a confirmation page.
Patient Information
Personal Information
Contact Information
(We will NOT share your email with any third party. We will only use your email
to contact you in relation to your care with our practice.)
Draw Your Symptoms
Click on a crayon and draw on the body above to indicate your symptoms
How did you find out about our office?
Did you hear about our office from an advertisement?
If Yes, Where:
Did you hear about our office from a phone or professional directory?
If Yes, Where:
Current Symptoms
If Yes, Explain:
If yes:
If Yes, Explain:
If Yes, Explain:
If Yes, Explain:
If Yes, Explain:
If Yes, Where?
Chiropractic Experience
Please select all that apply.
If yes…
What was the reason for those visits?
Doctor's Name:
Approximate date of last visit:
Health Problems & Concerns:
Please select all that you have had or currently have.
I certify that I'm the patient or legal guardian listed above. I have read/understand the included information and certify it to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I consent to the collection and use of the above information to this office of chiropractic. I authorize this office and its staff to examine and treat my condition as the doctors see fit. I understand and agree that all services rendered to me will be charged to me, and I'm responsible for payment of such services at the time they are rendered.
Name of the Insured:
(Please Print)
Patient's/Guardian's signature: